Lisbon Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science
The Unity of
Science: Non Traditional Approaches
Confirmed Speakers
Daniel Andler (Sorbonne, Paris, France) |
Partial Knowledge (abstract) |
A. Aliseda (Department of Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science, Seville University, Spain) with F. Soler and A. Nepomuceno |
Fernando Belo (Department of Philosophy, Lisbon University, Portugal) |
L'Articulation des Sciences: Une Approche Phénoménologique (abstract) |
Mafalda Blanc (Department of Philosophy, Lisbon University, Portugal) |
Unity of Science. Metaphysical Matrix of an Idea (abstract) |
Maria de la Concepcion Caamano Allegre (Standford University, USA) |
Pragmatic continuities in empirical science. Some examples from the history of astronomy (abstract) |
Paco Calvo (Department of Philosophy, Murcia University, Spain) Department of Philosophy, University of Murcia, Spain) |
Plant Neurobiology: Lessons for the Unity of Science (abstract) |
João Caraça (ISEG / Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal) |
Networking Disciplines: a New Approach to the Unity of Knowledge? (abstract) |
Francisco Carrapiço (Departament of Biology (Plants), Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University, Portugal) |
The Symbiotic Phenomenon in the Evolutive Context (abstract) |
Nancy Cartwright (Department of Philosophy, London School of Economics, UK) with Sheldon Steed (Department of Philosophy, London School of Economics, UK) |
"Keeping track of Neurath's bill: Abstract concepts, stock models and the unity of classical physics" (abstract) |
Lavinia Ciungu (Mathematics Polytechnical University of Bucharest, Romania) |
Bosbach and the Riecan States on Pseudo-Residuated Lattices (abstract) |
Vasco Correia (Paris IV University, France) |
A Unified Account of Irrationality (abstract) |
Felix Costa (Departement of Mathematics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal) |
Computability and Physics. Essay on the Unity of Science through Computation (abstract) |
José Croca (Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University, Portugal) |
The Principle of Eurhythmy. A key to the Unity of Physics (abstract) |
Cédric Dégremont (Lille III University, France) with Laurent Keiff |
Argumentative Pluralism (abstract) |
Jacques Dubucs (IHPST, ParisI University, France) |
Integrating Mathematics in Unified Science: Carnapian and Kantian perspectives (abstract) |
Luc Faucher (Department of Philosophy, Québec University , Montreal, Canada) with Edouard Machery |
Carlos Fragateiro (Director of the National Theater D. Maria II, Lisbon, Portugal) |
Josè Luís Garcia (ICS - Social Sciences Institute, Lisbon, Porttugal) |
The Changing Ethos of Science (abstract) |
Nathalie Gontier (Research Assistant of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders, Belgium) |
Introducing Universal Symbiogenesis (abstract) |
Marie Helène Gorisse (Lille III University, France) |
Unity in Diversity (abstract) |
Paul Humphreys (Department of Philosophy, University of Virginia, USA) |
Computational Templates as Cross-Disciplinary Bridges |
Reinhard Kahle (Departament of Mathematics, Coimbra University, Portugal) |
Theory Change - a metalogical view (abstract) |
Laurent Keiff (Lille III University, France) with Cédric Dégremont |
Argumentative Pluralism (abstract) |
Sandeep Kumar Ganji (Hyderabad, India) |
A model of scientific hypothesis development, reasoning and tracking: creation of a virtual world in brain for working out theories (abstract) |
Catherine Laurent (INRA, Paris, France) |
Unity of Science against the Rational Construction of Knowledge (abstract) |
César Lorenzano (National University Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina) |
The Structure of Styles (abstract) |
Elisa Maia (CICTSUL / Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University, Portugal) with Isabel Serra |
Great Beliefs in Scientific Thinking (abstract) |
Dina Mendonça (IPhilosophy of Language Institute, New University of Lisbon, Portugal) with Isabel Serra |
Feelings in face of Unity of Science (abstract) |
Christian Moeckel (Humboldt University , Berlin, Germany) |
The Cultural Sciences and their Basis in Life. On Ernst Cassirer's Theory of Cultural Sciences |
Luís Moniz Pereira (Centre for Artificial Intelligence /CENTRIA, New University of Lisbon, Portugal) |
Evolutionary Psychology and the Unity of Science |
Rui Moreira (Faculty of (Sciences , Lisbon University, Portugal) |
The XXth Century Physics and the Unity of Science (abstract) |
Nuno Nabais (Departement of Philosophy, Lisbon University, Portugal) |
Metaphysics of Impossibility and Unity of Science |
Angel Nepomuceno (Departament of Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science, Seville University, Spain) with A. Aliseda and F. Soler |
Angel Nepomuceno (Departament of Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science, Seville University, Spain) with F. Soler |
Direct abduction through dual resolution (abstract) |
Vitor Neves (Faculty of Economics, Coimbra University, Portugal) |
Sciences as Open Systems (abstract) |
Dinis Pestana (Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University, Portugal) |
Dealing with Uncertainty in Modern Science (abstract) |
Olga Pombo (Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University, Portugal) |
Unity of
Science. From the Idea to the Configurations |
Alexandre Quintanilha (IBMC and ICBAS, Oporto University, Portugal) |
Is Unity a dangerous or useful concept in Science? (abstract) |
Shahid Rahman (Department of Philosophy, Lille University, France) |
Language Games in Logic and the Role of a Logical Language in the Encyclopedic Project of Otto Neurath (abstract) |
Andrés Rivadulla (Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, Complutense University, Spain) |
Scientific Reasonableness and the Pragmatic Approach to the Unity of Science (abstract) |
Marcus Romberg (Faculty of Arts History and Philosophy, University of Lund, Sweden) |
Relevant Metaphysics of Causation (abstract) |
Jan Sebestik (Paris, France) |
What could be the Unity of Science Today and do We Need it? (abstract) |
Isabel Serra (CICTSUL / Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University, Portugal) with Elisa Maia |
Isabel Serra (CICTSUL / Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University, Portugal) with Dina Mendonça |
Hossein Sheykh Razaee (Department of Philosophy, University of Durham, UK) |
Flat Analysis of Properties and the Unity of Science (abstract) |
Dan Simbotin (Social and Economic Research Institute, Romanian Academy, Iasi, Romenia) |
The Science between bi and tri-dimensional Representation (abstract) |
Fernando Soler with A. Nepomuceno (Departamento de Filosofía y Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) |
Direct abduction through dual resolution (abstract) |
Fernando Soler (Departament of Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science, Seville University, Spain) with A. Aliseda and A. Nepomuceno |
Searching the Unity of Science: from Classical Logic to Abductive Logical System (abstract)
John Symons (Department of Philosophy, Texas University, El Paso - Texas, EUA) |
Computational Models of Emergence (abstract) |
Hassan Tahiri (Department of Philosophy, Lille University, France) |
The Unity
of Science and the Arabic Tradition |
Juan Manuel Torres (Bahia Blanca University, Argentina) |
The Achilles' heel of the Unity of Science Program |
A. Yazdani (Physics Department, Faculty of Basic Sciences - Tarbiat Modares, Tehran University, Iran) |
Appearance or Existence of the Entity Realism “Sense” or Mind (abstract) |
Stefanie Wenner (Berlin) |
No more Mirror Stage: Ressonance and Coupling as Parameters of Unity of Science |
Jan Wolenski (Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland) |
Naturalism and the Unity of Science (abstract) |
More information regarding
this Colloquium may be obtained from the website