Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Lisbon Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science

The Unity of Science: Non Traditional Approaches  


Confirmed Speakers

Daniel Andler (Sorbonne, Paris, France)

Partial Knowledge (abstract)

A. Aliseda  (Department of Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science, Seville University, Spain) with F. Soler and A. Nepomuceno

Searching the Unity of Science: from Classical Logic to Abductive Logical System (


Fernando Belo (Department of Philosophy, Lisbon University, Portugal)

L'Articulation des Sciences: Une Approche Phénoménologique (abstract)

Mafalda Blanc (Department of Philosophy, Lisbon University, Portugal)

Unity of Science. Metaphysical Matrix of an Idea (abstract)

Maria de la Concepcion Caamano Allegre (Standford University, USA)

Pragmatic continuities in empirical science. Some examples from the history of astronomy (abstract)

Paco Calvo (Department of Philosophy, Murcia University, SpainDepartment of Philosophy, University of Murcia, Spain)

Plant Neurobiology: Lessons  for the Unity of Science (abstract)

João Caraça (ISEG / Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal)

Networking Disciplines: a New Approach to the Unity of Knowledge? (abstract)

Francisco Carrapiço (Departament of Biology (Plants), Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University, Portugal)

The Symbiotic Phenomenon in the Evolutive Context (abstract)

Nancy Cartwright (Department of Philosophy, London School of Economics, UK) with Sheldon Steed (Department of Philosophy, London School of Economics, UK)

"Keeping track of Neurath's bill: Abstract concepts, stock models and the unity of classical physics" (abstract)

Lavinia Ciungu (Mathematics Polytechnical University of Bucharest, Romania)

Bosbach and the Riecan States on Pseudo-Residuated Lattices (abstract)

Vasco Correia (Paris IV University, France)

A Unified Account of Irrationality (abstract)

Felix Costa (Departement of Mathematics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal)

Computability and Physics. Essay on the Unity of Science through Computation (abstract)

José Croca (Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University, Portugal)

The Principle of Eurhythmy. A key to the Unity of Physics (abstract)

Cédric Dégremont (Lille III University, France) with Laurent Keiff

Argumentative Pluralism (abstract)

Jacques Dubucs (IHPST, ParisI University, France)

Integrating Mathematics in Unified Science: Carnapian and Kantian perspectives (abstract)

Luc Faucher (Department of Philosophy, Québec University , Montreal, Canada) with Edouard Machery

Unity of Science by Integration: A Case Study

Carlos Fragateiro (Director of the National Theater  D. Maria II,  Lisbon, Portugal)

Théatre @ Science

Josè Luís Garcia (ICS - Social Sciences Institute, Lisbon,  Porttugal)

The Changing Ethos of Science (abstract)

Nathalie Gontier (Research Assistant of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders, Belgium)

Introducing Universal Symbiogenesis (abstract)

Marie Helène Gorisse (Lille III University, France)

Unity in Diversity (abstract)

Paul Humphreys (Department of Philosophy, University of Virginia, USA)

Computational Templates as Cross-Disciplinary Bridges

Reinhard Kahle (Departament of Mathematics, Coimbra University, Portugal)

Theory Change - a metalogical view (abstract)

Laurent Keiff (Lille III University, France) with Cédric Dégremont

Argumentative Pluralism (abstract)

Sandeep Kumar Ganji (Hyderabad, India)

A model of scientific hypothesis development, reasoning and tracking: creation of a virtual world in brain for working out theories (abstract)

Catherine Laurent (INRA, Paris, France) 

Unity of Science against the Rational Construction of Knowledge (abstract)

César Lorenzano (National University Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina)

The Structure of Styles (abstract)

Elisa Maia (CICTSUL / Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University, Portugal) with Isabel Serra

Great Beliefs in Scientific Thinking (abstract)

Dina Mendonça (IPhilosophy of Language Institute, New University of Lisbon, Portugal) with Isabel Serra

Feelings in face of Unity of Science (abstract)

Christian Moeckel (Humboldt University , Berlin, Germany)

The Cultural Sciences and their Basis in Life. On Ernst Cassirer's Theory of Cultural Sciences

Luís Moniz Pereira (Centre for Artificial Intelligence /CENTRIA, New University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Evolutionary Psychology and the Unity of Science 

Rui Moreira (Faculty of (Sciences , Lisbon University,  Portugal)

The XXth Century Physics and the Unity of Science (abstract)

Nuno Nabais (Departement of Philosophy, Lisbon University, Portugal)

Metaphysics of Impossibility and Unity of Science

Angel Nepomuceno (Departament of Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science, Seville University, Spain) with A. Aliseda and F. Soler

Searching the Unity of Science: from Classical Logic to Abductive Logical System 

Angel Nepomuceno (Departament of Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science, Seville University, Spain) with  F. Soler

Direct abduction through dual resolution (abstract)

Vitor Neves (Faculty of Economics, Coimbra University, Portugal)

Sciences as Open Systems (abstract)

Dinis Pestana (Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University,  Portugal)

Dealing with Uncertainty in Modern Science (abstract)

Olga Pombo (Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University,  Portugal)

Unity of Science. From the Idea to the Configurations (abstract)

Alexandre Quintanilha (IBMC and ICBAS, Oporto University, Portugal)

Is Unity a dangerous or useful concept in Science? (abstract)

Shahid Rahman (Department of Philosophy, Lille University, France)

Language Games in Logic and the Role of a Logical Language in the Encyclopedic Project of Otto Neurath (abstract)

Andrés Rivadulla (Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, Complutense University, Spain)

Scientific Reasonableness and the Pragmatic Approach to the Unity of Science (abstract)

Marcus Romberg (Faculty of Arts History and Philosophy, University of Lund, Sweden)

Relevant Metaphysics of Causation (abstract)

Jan Sebestik (Paris, France)

What could be the Unity of Science Today and do We Need it? (abstract)

Isabel Serra (CICTSUL / Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University, Portugal) with Elisa Maia

Feelings in face of Unity of Science

Isabel Serra (CICTSUL / Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University, Portugal) with Dina Mendonça

Great Believes in Scientific Thinking (with Isabel Serra)

Hossein Sheykh Razaee (Department of Philosophy, University of Durham, UK)

The Flat Analysis of Properties and the Unity of Science (abstract)

Dan Simbotin (Social and Economic Research Institute, Romanian Academy, Iasi, Romenia)

The Science between bi and tri-dimensional Representation (abstract)

Fernando Soler with A. Nepomuceno (Departamento de Filosofía y Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) 

Direct abduction through dual resolution (abstract)

Fernando Soler  (Departament of Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science, Seville University,  Spain) with A. Aliseda and A. Nepomuceno

Searching the Unity of Science: from Classical Logic to Abductive Logical System (abstract)


John Symons (Department of Philosophy, Texas University, El Paso - Texas, EUA)

Computational Models of Emergence (abstract)

Hassan Tahiri (Department of Philosophy, Lille University, France)

The Unity of Science and the Arabic Tradition
Progress and Controversy. The case of Ibn al-Haytham’s against Ptolemy

Juan Manuel Torres (Bahia Blanca University, Argentina)

The Achilles'  heel of the Unity of Science Program 

A. Yazdani (Physics Department, Faculty of Basic Sciences - Tarbiat Modares, Tehran University, Iran)

Appearance or Existence of the Entity Realism “Sense” or Mind (abstract)

Stefanie Wenner (Berlin)

No more Mirror Stage: Ressonance and Coupling as Parameters of Unity of Science

Jan Wolenski (Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland)

Naturalism and the Unity of Science (abstract)

More information regarding this Colloquium may be obtained from the website
