Starting from an in-depth investigation of the most important contemporary positions in esthetics and philosophy of art, will try to clarify, refine and elaborate a general
PHILOSOPHY OF IMAGE. In order to do so, the major works of reference will
BOEHME G. (1999), Theorie des Bildes, Fink, München.
GADAMER, H.-G. (1960), Warheit und Methode, Mohr, Tübingen.
GOMBRICH, E. H, (1994), Das forschende Auge: Kunstbetrachtung und Naturwahrnehmung, Campus-Verl. - Ed. de la Fondation - Edition Pandora, Frankfurt/Main ; New York ; Paris.
MAAR, C.; BURDA, H. (2005), Iconic Turn. Die Neue Macht der Bilder, DuMont Literatur und Kunst Verlag, Köln.
RHEINBERGER, H.-J. (2001), Objekt und Repräsentation, in Heintz, Bettina & Jörg Huber (eds.), Mit dem Auge denken: Strategien der Sichtbarmachung in wissenschaftlichen und virtuellen Welten. Voldemeer, Zürich, pp. 55-61.
RHEINBERGER, H.-J. (2003), Präparate - ´Bilder´ ihrer selbst, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin.
The anthropological, symbolical-theoretical and formal approaches will be taken into
BELTING H. (2001) “Bild Anthropologie”, Fink, München.
GOODMANN N. (1976), Languages of art: an approach to a theory of symbols, Hackett, Indianapolis.
WIESING L. (2005), “Artifizielle Praesenz”, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt aM.
WIESING L.(1997), Die Sichtbarkeit der Bilder. Geschichte und Perspektiven der formalen Ästhetik, Reinbek bei Hamburg.
In an epistemological perspective,
some fundamental positions must be pointed out:
HACKING I. (1983), Representing and Inventing, Cambridge Univ. Press Cambridge.
PUTNAM H. (1988), Representation and Reality", MIT Press, Cambridge.
GALISON P. (1997) “Image and Logic”, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago.
GALISON P. (2002) “Images scatter into Data, Data gather into images” in Bruno Latour e Peter Weibel (Eds) (2002), Iconoclash. Beyond the Image Wars in Science, Relig-ion, and Art. Karlsruhe, Cambridge, pp. 300-323.
DASTON, L. e GALISON, P. (1992), "The Image of Objectivity," in Representations 40, pp. 81-128.
For the research on IMAGE AND DIAGRAMMATIC THINKING, we will take as a major reference:
HOFFMANN, M. (2001), "Peirce´s ´Diagrammatic Reasoning´ as a solution of the learning paradox", in Process Pragmatism: Essays on a Quiet Philosophical revolution, Amsterdam , pp. 121-143´
HOFFMANN, M. (2004), “How to get it. Diagrammatic Reasoning as a Tool of Knowledge Development and its Pragmatic Dimension”, Foundation of Science, 9, pp. 285-305.
KENT, B. (1997), "The Interconnectedness of Peirce´s Diagrammatic Thought " in Studies in the logic of Charles Sanders Peirce, Indiana, pp. 445-459,
KETNER, K. (1986) "Peirce´s Most Lucid and Interesting Paper: an Introduction to Cenopythagoreanism", International Philosophical Quarterly, 26, pp. 375-392.
STRAFFORD, B. (1999), Visual analogy. Counsciousness and the art of connecting, MIT Press, London,
TUFTE, E. R. (1983), The visual display of quantitative information, Graphics
Press, Cheshire.
POMBO, O. (1987), Leibniz and the problem of a universal language, Münster: Nodus Publikationen, l987
POMBO, O. (1990), The leibnizian theory of representativity of the sign, in Niederehe, Hans-Joseph and Koerner, Konrad (eds), History and Historiography of Linguistics, vol. II, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 447- 459
POMBO, O. (1996) Leibnizian strategies for the semantical foundation of the universal language, in Klaus D. Dutz e Stefano Gensini (eds.) Im Spiegel des Verstandes. Studien zu Leibniz, Münster, 161-171
POMBO, O. (1998), La théorie leibnizienne de la pensée aveugle en tant que perspective sur quelques-unes des apories linguistiques de la modernité, Cahiers Ferdinand Saussure, n.º 51, 63-75
The investigation on the turn
FROM WORD CIVILIZATION TO IMAGE CIVILIZATION will be grounded in the following inescapable works of
MCLUHAN, M.; FIORE, Q.; AGEL, J., (1967), The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects, New York.
VIRILIO, P. (1988), La Machine de Vision: Essai sur les Nouvelles Techniques de Représentation, Galilée, Paris.
LÉVY, P. (1994), L’Intelligence Collective. Pour une Anthropologie du Cyberspace, La Découverte, Paris.
SARTORI, G. (1998), Homo Videns : Televisione e Post-Pensiero, Laterza, Roma / Bari.
BACHELARD, G. (1942), L´eau et les rêves : essai sur l´imagination de la matière, José Corti, Paris.
BACHELARD, G. (1948), La terre et les rêveries du repos : essai sur les images de l´intimité, José Corti, Paris.
BACHELARD, G. (1957), La Poétique de l´Espace, P.U.F., Paris.
GIL, D. (1993), Bachelard et la culture scientifique, P.U.F, Paris.
GAGEY, J. (1969), Gaston Bachelard ou la conversion à l’imaginaire, Marcel Rivière et Cie., Paris.
DELEUZE, G. (1988), Le Pli - Leibniz et le baroque, Minuit, Paris.
DELEUZE, G. (1981), Francis Bacon, logique de la sensation, Edition de la différence, Paris.
DELEUZE, G. (1983-85), Cinéma 1 and Cinéma 2, Minuit, Paris.
RODOWICK, D.N., (ed.) (1997), Gilles Deleuze. Philosopher of the Image. Iris 23, no. 1 (Special Monographic Issue).
For the research on THE ART OF SCIENTIFIC IMAGE, we will begin considering the following works:
HARRIS, H. (1979), Scientific models and man, Clarendon Press/Oxford Univ. Press, New York/Oxford.
FORD, B. (1992), Images of Science. A History of Scientific Illustration, British
Library, London.
VALENTE ALVES, M. e BARBOSA, A. (ed) (2004), Circulação/Circulation, Lisboa.
VALENTE ALVES, M., (2005). Passagens. 100 Peças para o Museu de Medicina, Lisboa.
The HISTORICAL STUDIES ON IMAGE BETWEEN ART AND SCIENCE aim at studying some major works by Leonardo, Vesalius, Goethe and Darwin, in its relation with the aesthetics and the scientific knowledge of their time and will take into account the following
LEONARDO DA VINCI (2002), Scritti [1512], editado por Carlo VECCE, Mursia, Milano.
VECCE, C. (2005), Leonardo da Vinci, Verbo, Lisboa.
VIATTE, F. e FORCIONE, V. (2003), Léonard de Vinci : dessins et manuscrits, Ed. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
KEMP, M. (ed.) (2001), Leonardo on painting, Yale Univ. Press, New Haven.
VESALIUS, De humani corporis fabrica [1543], Bâle, Johannes Oporinus, 2nd edition, 1555.
CUSHING, H. W. (1986), A Bio-Bibliography of Andreas Vesalius, St. Paul´s
Bibliographies, Winchester.
DARWIN, C. (1872), The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, John Murray, London.
PRODGER, P. (1998), "Illustration as Strategy in Charles Darwin´s ´The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals´", in Timothy Lenoir (ed), Inscribing Science, Stanford, pp.140-181.
SMITH, J. (2006), Charles Darwin and Victorian Visual Culture, Cambridge
Univ. Press, Cambridge/NY.
GOETHE, J. W. (2003), A Metamorfose das Plantas, trad. de F. Molder, IN - Casa da Moeda, Lisboa.
MOLDER, F. (1995), O Pensamento Morfológico de Goethe, IN - Casa da Moeda, Lisboa.
Our research on scientific
drawing - DRAWING SCIENCE - will start from these works:
MITCHELL, W.J.T. (1998), The Last Dinosaur Book. The Life and Times of a Cultural Icon, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago.
SALGADO, P. (2001), O desenho científico - ilustração botânica, in A Natureza Mestra das Artes, Casa da Cerca - Centro de Arte Contemporânea.
SALGADO, P. (1999), Histórias de ilustração e de História Natural, in Instantes, Escola Superior de Arte e Design, Lisboa.
SALGADO, P. (1998), A arte de comunicar ciência, Catálogo oficial do Pavilhão dos Oceanos, EXPO´98, Lisboa.
ZWEIFEL, F. W. (1988), A Handbook of Biological Illustration, Univ. Of Chicago Press, Chicago.
The theoric foundation for the study of the
ANATOMICAL DRAWINGS of the Lisbon Museum of Medicine must include the following works:
OLMI, G. (2004), Rappresentare il corpo. Arte e anatomia da Leonardo all´Illuminismo, Bononia Univ. Press, Bologna.
SMITH, R. (1996), Desenhar a figura humana, Editorial Presença, Lisboa.
GORDON, L. (1979), Desenho Anatómico, Editorial Presença, Lisboa.
HIRSCH, G. (1950), Art Anatomy and figure drawing. A study of the human figure, Major Book Co., New York.
The fundamental works of reference for the survey on nude model drawing
BRANCO, C., (2005), O gesto capaz de esculpir a palavra, in M. Valente Alves (ed), Passagens. 100 Peças para o Museu de Medicina, Museu Nac. de Arte Antiga,
TAVARES, C. A., (1989), Da clarividência do desenho ao desenho clarividente, in Ver desenho hoje III / As irresoluções resolvidas, Galeria Mun. de Arte de Almada.
TAVARES, C. A., (2001), As artes plásticas em Portugal no séc. XX, in Silvia Ferrari, Guia de História da Arte Contemporânea, Lisboa.
TAVARES, C. A., (2002), Miguel Lupi e a figura como condição da prática artística, in Catálogo da Exposição Miguel Ângelo Lupi, Museu do Chiado, 2002.
Our investigation on NEUROESTHETICS will begin with a thorough consideration of the seminal works in the area:
KOSSLYN, S. (1996), Image and Brain, MIT Press, Cambridge,
ZEKI, S. (1993), Vision of the Brain, Blackwell Science, Oxford,
ZEKI, S. (1999), Inner Vision. An Exploration of Art and the Brain, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford / New York,
RAMACHANDRAN, V. S. and HIRSTEIN, W. (1999), "The Science of Art: A Neurological Theory of Aesthetic Experience", Journal of Consciousness Studies, 6, pp. 15 - 51.
LIVINGSTONE, M. S. (2002), Vision and Art: The Biology of Seeing, Harry N. Abrams, New York.
On diagrammatic
GIAQUINTO (1993), Visualizing in
Arithmetic, Philosophy of Phenomenologial
Research (53) 385-396.
Giaquintos aim is to assess objections to the claim
that, whatever rewards visualizing may bring in geometry, visualizing can not be a useful way of arriving at general theorems in
SHIN, S.-J. (2004), Heterogenous Reasoning and its
Logic, The Bullettin of Symbolic Logic (10) 86-106.
Shin focuses on informal aspects of Barwises research on heterogenous
logic; she singles out how this research grew out of Barwises personal attitude toward how to resolve a tension between opposite extremes and the role played by the experience with teaching
logic. She argues that his work provides a mathematical framework for heterogenous reasoning so that heterogenous logic research could get off the ground as an important research
TOPPER, D. (1996), Towards an Epistemology of Scientific
Illustrations, in Baigre, B. S. (ed.) (1996)
, in Picturing Knowledge. Historical and Philosophical Problems Concerning the Use of Art in
Science, University of Toronto Press, Toronto 215-249.
The paper provides an overview of the literature on scientific
illustrations, and lay out some of the historical and philosophical issues at the heart of the
matter. Another issue which runs throughout this paper as a minor theme is the question of the demarcation between art and
On scientific
illustration, mostly in Portugal
ACKERMAN , James. Early Renaissance “naturalism” and scientific
illustration, pp.1-17, in: ELLENIUS, Allan (ed.), The natural sciences and the
arts. Uppsala, 1985.
ALMAÇA, Carlos. A expedição filosófica de Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira no contexto histórico-natural da sua época, in: Ciclo de conferencias Viagem Filosófica de Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira. Lisboa: Academia da Marinha, 1992.
ALMEIDA, I. C.; LINO, R. A. O Rinoceronte: Pegadas na Torre. Lisboa: Torre de Belém, 1992.
ASHWORTH, William B. The persistent beast: recurrent images in early zoological
illustration, pp.46-66, in: SHIRLEY, John W.; HOENIGER, F. David (eds.), Science and the Arts in the
Renaissance. Washington, D.C.: Folger Shakespeare Library, 1985,
BAIGRIE, Brian S. (ed.). Picturing knowledge: historical and philosophical problems concerning the use of art in
science. Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 1996.
BROTERO, Félix Avelar. Compêndio de Botânica. Paris, 1788.
JONES, Caroline A.; GALISON, Peter (eds.). Picturing Science, Producing Art. New
York: Routledge, 1998.
CASTANHEDA, F. Lopes da, História do Descobrimento da Índia pelos Portugueses, Vol. 2, Coimbra, 1552.
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Singer, pp. 337-356. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1953.
CORTESÃO, Jaime. Do sigilo nacional sobre os descobrimentos. Crónicas desaparecidas, mutiladas e falseadas, alguns dos feitos que se calaram. Lusitania 1: 45-81, 1925.
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ocularmente. Burgos, 1578.
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DICKENSON, Victoria. Drawn from Life: Science and Art in the Portrayal of the New
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DOMINGUES, Ângela, Viagens de exploração geográfica na Amazónia em finais do século XVIII: política, ciência e aventura. Funchal: Secretaria Regional do Turismo, Cultura e Emigração; Centro de Estudos de História do Atlântico, 1991.
DOMINGUES, Ângela, Um novo conceito de Ciência ao serviço da Razão de Estado: A viagem de Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira ao Norte Brasileiro. In: Ciclo de conferencias Viagem Filosófica de Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira. Lisboa: Academia da Marinha, 1992.
FARIA, Miguel Figueira de, A Imagem Útil, José Joaquim Freire (1760-1847) desenhador topográfico e de história natural. Lisboa: Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, 2001.
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JOHNS, Adrian. Johns, The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Making. Chicago and
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York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
KUSUKAWA, Sachiko. Leonard Fuchs on the Importance of Pictures. Journal of the History of Ideas 58: 403-427, 1997.
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