Scientific Culture. Conceptual migrations and Social Contaminations
cultural, artificial
in the debates that are now taking place in this field focusing the questions of
1) classification, representation, naturalization, normalization, essenciality,
all instituted by the sciences, which are having important effects in the
discourse of the common sense and in the social practices 2) the bioinformatics
model of the human and its application to the sciences, technologies and arts 3) the
technological challenges concerning the "openings" and the
"clousers" of the human condition and the human action both in
empirical and in normative terms. Complementary to the above mentioned
orientation, we intend to identify figures of the human inscribed in the arts
and in the sciences taking into consideration the question of cultural imaginary
and of the memory. The fields covered will include science and technology
studies (biotechnology and information and communication technologies), gender
studies, social and cultural studies on the notions of race, sexuality, identity
and normality
- Professora
Maria Clara de Almeida de Barros
Queiroz (Faculdade de
Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa) coordinator
- Professora Maria Teresa Martins Levy (Faculdade de Ciências da
Universidade de Lisboa)
- Mestre António José Correia de
Almeida (Escola Superior de Educação
de Lisboa)
- Mestre João Lopes Barbosa (Museu de Ciência da Universidade de
- Mestre Maria Teresa Reis Castanheira (Professora do Ensino Secundário)
- Dra. Adelaide Neves
- Dr. José Manuel Ramos Henriques da Conceição (Professor do Ensino
- Dr. Paulo Marques