Scientific Culture. Conceptual migrations and Social Contaminations
and Phenomenology in Portuguese First Half Of The XXth Century
main purpose is to analyse the role played by the models of Natural sciences in
the understanding of mental disease inside the portuguese psychiatry in the
first half of XXth century. We will follow the passage from the organicist to
the phenomenological model in the decades of 30 and 40, in order to understand
in what extent that passage was, not only the consequence of the spreading of
the medical schools coming from Husserl and Heidegger tradition, but also the
outcome of the transformation of the explanatory models within biology and
physics at that time. We will study mainly the work of Portuguese neurologists
and psychiatrists as Egas Moniz, Sobral Cid and Barahona Fernandes.
The impact of the models of natural sciences on the portuguese psychiatry have
been studied mainly inside the works of Miguel Bombarda and Júlio de Matos. Less
attention have received the works of Sobral Cid and Egas Moniz as well as to the
introdution of phenomenological models of mind in psychiatry by Barahona
Organization of
scientific meetings:
of 1 article in international magazines:
of 1 article in national magazines:
Scarso (2004), Linguaggio e intersoggettività nel periodo intermedio del
pensiero di Maurice Merleau-Ponty,
nº 9, (Fall).
of 7 communications in international scientific congresses:
Nabais, "Nietzsche e o Regresso à Tragédia Grega no ano de 1887" - Invited conference to the colloquy «Nietzsche e os Gregos», Rio de
Janeiro, November 18th, 2004
Nabais, "Deleuze e as Faculdades" - Invited conference to the colloquy
«Deleuze e a Educação», Rio de Janeiro, November 20th, 2004
Pellejero, "A
Filosofia e as Artes" - Invited conference to the Diplomado de Estética
e Teoria da Arte, Faculdade de Filosofia "Samuel Ramos", Programa
de Extensão Académica, Michoacán, México, July 17th, 2005
Nuno Nabais, "Pensar contra Nietzsche:
O Caso Deleuze" - Invited lecture to the XVII Encontros
Nietzsche, Universidade de S.
Paulo (Brasil), August 23th, 2005
Nabais, "O estilo agonístico de Nietzsche" - Invited talk to the
Café Filosófico Pensar contra Nietzche, Livraria Cultural, São
Paulo, August 25th, 2005
Nabais, "O Ensino de Filosofia após Deleuze e Derrida"
Nabais, "Nilismo(s) do Sísmico" - Invited
conference to the II Fórum
de Filosofia Contemporânea (KRISIS), Rio de Janeiro, August 30th,
of 7 communications in national scientific meetings:
Nuno Nabais -
"Literatura como Arte do Diagnóstico. A Questão do Sofrimento
em Ricoeur e Deleuze" - Invited conference to the
colloquium "Medida, Incerteza e Relação em Medicina" integrated
of the I Encontro de Filosofia e Medicina, Universidade da Beira
Interior, from November 11th to November 13th, 2004.
Nuno Nabais -
"A Morte Medieval: Nascimento para a
Eternidade" - Talk to
the "Ciclo Vida e Morte", Livraria Eterno Retorno, Lisboa, April
20th, 2005.
Nuno Nabais -
"O Laboratório Metafísico de
Beethoven. De Kant a Nietzsche" - Invited conference to
the Festa da Música, Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa, April
22th, 2005.
Nuno Nabais -
"Sobre o Conceito de
Paisagem" - Invited conference to the Seminary Novas
formas de abordar a paisagem, Instituto Superior de Agronomia de Lisboa,
June 3rd, 2005.
Nuno Nabais -
"Figuras do Limite no Tempo Teatral" - Invited talk to the cycle Arquitectura
e Filosofia, na Livraria Eterno Retorno, June 22th, 2005.
Nuno Nabais -
"Arquitectura e Teatro"
- Invited conference to the 3º Seminário Internacional de
Projecto da Faculdade de Arquitectura da U.T.L / Universidade de Évora
"Para-Arquitecturas: Concepção Arquitectónica e Requalificação
Urbana", July 25th, 2005.
Nuno Nabais -
"Estética da Paisagem"
- Invited conference to the Seminary Novas Formas de
Abordar a Paisagem, Instituto
Superior de Agronomia de Lisboa, September 17th,2005.